söndag 13 januari 2013


Wow, writing a blog is way more demanding than one might think. Especially when you come home early in the morning after what should have been just a dinner and a few drinks out on a friday evening, one does not have a lot of energy after that..

Ready for dinner at Joakim's and Isabell's 

Cheese, wine and olives before dinner 

Before knowing that it was going to be an all-nighter
I just love the outfits of the bar men at Bar de Marche in St. Germain

Me and Isabell
At Prescription, Isabell and Daniel

Somehow I regained a little bit of energy on saturday night and me and Zarah went to a party in the 16th arrondissement. but we were being good girls and went home when everyone else went out clubbing. Today I am really grateful that we chose to go home, instead of being hangover we went out for a run and did some shopping in the afternoon. One must love the sales in Paris! I found a really nice coat and a pretty dress and top.

Tomorrow my classes start at school, I'm quite excited. I will be taking courses in luxury retail and management :)

fredag 11 januari 2013

Mission completed

I completed my mission of the day, buying new running shoes! The sale just started in Paris so I took the opportunity to update my running look when buying shoes, hopefully my very professional looking clothes will motivate me to go out running more often. Unfortunately, they weren't as motivating as all the clothing stores on the way to the park... :) Perhaps I should be grateful to the fact that my credit card seem to be rejected by all the card terminals in stores in Paris, mysteriously enough it works perfectly fine to withdraw money from an atm. So, I ended up not running nor shopping!

My new running shoes that wait for their first run

Today was a kind of dull day weather wise, quite grey, rainy and foggy. It didn't stop me and Sarah though, we walked for about 40 minutes one way to go to Champs Élysées to buy running clothes.  
When walking on Champs Élysées I suddenly got hit by a wall of perfume smell, the one being guilty of this was a large perfume that seems to be spraying mens perfume allover the boulevard, poisoning the air. Apparently it is supposed to be much more pleasant during spring when male models are the ones spreading the smell (odor), posing half naked with perfume bottles outside of the store...


Champs Élysée

Perfume puffing store

I end this evening by writing this post and having a cup of cinnamon tea. I have my first day at school tomorrow (actually an introduction day), which calls for an early night (as I have to get up insanely early to go by RER before reaching the university located in a far of Paris suburban city called Cergy). Good night!

torsdag 10 januari 2013

Cosy evening in Marais

Yesterday evening I met up with an old friend of mine, Joakim, who has lived in Paris since two years back. He took me to one of his favorite bars in Marais, La Perle, where we met up with one of his friends. The place was lovely, quite simple and perfect for relaxed chatting over a glass of wine or beer.
We walked through lightly drizzling rain all the way from St. Germain to the bar in Marais, usually it's type of rain that I find really annoying, but somehow it only seemed to make the night view of paris more beautiful.
In front of Hôtel de ville, on the way to Marais
Joakim, holding what probably is the biggest umbrella in Paris, in an alley in Marais  

La Perle 

My mission today is to buy myself a pair of running shoes, which I intend to use frequently!
I really have no excuse not to, since I live just a five minute walk from Jardin du Luxembourg.

Finally in Paris!

This will be my first post in my very first blog ever. I decided to start this blog for my friends or whom ever feel like following me during my Paris experience. My name is Mikaela and I originally come from Sweden, Gothenburg. This Monday, on the 7th of January, I moved to Paris for an exchange semester. I will be studying marketing at ESSEC Business School and try to have the best time ever during this spring in Paris.

I was very lucky to come in contact with the sweetest girl, Zarah, which I now live together with in her lovely apartment in St. Germain, in the 6th arrondissement.

Since I don't have any blog experience (I don't even follow a single blog), I will keep this post short.
Perhaps I will add some more text or photos later, after my drink-date with my friend Joakim who lives in St. Germain as well.

Bye bye for now :)