söndag 13 januari 2013


Wow, writing a blog is way more demanding than one might think. Especially when you come home early in the morning after what should have been just a dinner and a few drinks out on a friday evening, one does not have a lot of energy after that..

Ready for dinner at Joakim's and Isabell's 

Cheese, wine and olives before dinner 

Before knowing that it was going to be an all-nighter
I just love the outfits of the bar men at Bar de Marche in St. Germain

Me and Isabell
At Prescription, Isabell and Daniel

Somehow I regained a little bit of energy on saturday night and me and Zarah went to a party in the 16th arrondissement. but we were being good girls and went home when everyone else went out clubbing. Today I am really grateful that we chose to go home, instead of being hangover we went out for a run and did some shopping in the afternoon. One must love the sales in Paris! I found a really nice coat and a pretty dress and top.

Tomorrow my classes start at school, I'm quite excited. I will be taking courses in luxury retail and management :)

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